Resultado de la API de MediaWiki

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
        "gadgets": [
                "id": "Reader",
                "desc": "<i>Reader</i>: Modo lector adaptado a dispositivos peque\u00f1os (tel\u00e9fonos y tablets) Requiere Skin Vector. <small>[<a href=\"/index.php/MediaWiki:Reader\" title=\"MediaWiki:Reader\">Configurar la anchura de activaci\u00f3n</a>]</small>"
                "id": "Sin_barra",
                "desc": "Sin barra: Oculta la barra lateral"
                "id": "Links",
                "desc": "Links: A\u00f1ade un link \"Links\" en la barra de herramientas para extraer la revisi\u00f3n actual o una url corta."